Miami Beach Police Crime Prevention Tips
Crime Prevention, Protect Your Boat & Personal Watercraft Marine theft is usually done by relatively unskilled, young amateurs who strike where they find an easy opportunity. We can defend ourselves…
Crime Prevention, Protect Your Boat & Personal Watercraft Marine theft is usually done by relatively unskilled, young amateurs who strike where they find an easy opportunity. We can defend ourselves…
Every Eighth Home in Miami Beach Will Be Underwater Scientists currently estimate that sea levels could rise more than six feet by the year 2100. If that comes true, American…
Automatic Sprinkler System Requirement Fire Prevention Division The fifth edition of the Florida Fire Prevention Code that was adopted on December 31, 2014, allows existing high-rise buildings to comply with the requirement…
At the July 20th Commission meeting, Mayor Levine asked Commissioner Arriola to meet with Ocean Drive businesses and other stakeholders to negotiate a comprehensive proposal for changes to Ocean Drive that…